I’ve added a new category called epistemology to the sidebar because a lot things are going to keep falling under that heading, especially the posts that have to do with decision making. In my reading, I keep feeling Francis Bacon behind my shoulder.
Instance, “how does one come to know when a game is saving”? is this partly a question of knowledge borders? When is this concept committed to memory? Is a database an epistemological figure?
I would think so, that any knowledge gained by study or experience is done so by much the same methods in the new forms offered by new media and technology as we learn about scientific and natural phenomena.
But “when” is that knowledge gained?
I’m trying to do a crash refresher course here on epistomology, and am in danger of conflict in making a statement on it, so I’ll take the uneducated (unjustified) stance that it becomes “knowledge” under close to scientific theory of justification, when it becomes true. In other words, using the example of “when is a game saved”, I took your suggestion of checking the game to see if indeed a save was made (don’t know if you were going under “justifiable belief” due to your experience with games) and finding it to be a fact that whether I pressed “save” or entered the “save” mode via other means within the game, it did indeed save the game or action to that point. Knowledge was gained (by me) in repeating the act of purposefully saving, and finding it to be true by going and getting myself killed again and being able to return to a saved game to relive to fight again. At this point, for me, it is knowledge gained. Does this make any sense?
On the other hand, what has not become “knowledge gained” as yet, and doesn’t look likely to happen soon despite several “readings”, is how to remain alive in this game…