Soft News

Yet another article by Tom Condon on suburbia.

Suburbs have been developing for more than 100 years. A main problem with the explosive suburban growth after World War II, driven by such things as GI mortgages and cheap cars and gas, was its form. Low-density, auto-dependent sprawl might have made sense in an era of large families and 30-cent-a-gallon gas, but it is no longer sustainable. Burning fossil fuel is endangering the planet. Paving fields and forests is damaging the water supply. Sending people to exurban subdivisions is isolating them from other people.

Retrofitting the suburbs reduces car use, lowers household costs, increases time for social engagement and exercise, and improves air and water quality, the authors write. Between aging boomers and young “echo boomers,” there is an increasing market “for a more diverse selection of urban housing types and places.”

It’s good to keep up the voice on this, but there are very few examples of real spatial movement on the relations in CT. This is getting repetitious and soft. Where are the suburbs being retrofitted?