The Size of Numbers

I learned something today. That if you try to count from 1 to one trillion it would take approximately 200,000 years.

Tht would be a feat. I learned this partly because I hadn’t thought about it. You could count seconds and that would provide he arithmetic formula, and it makes sense.

Deb Hall reminds me that there is a lot to do:

1. Consider how ability-based approached can leverage “service learning” opportunities and write some proposals
2. New media revisions
3. Transfer articulations
4. Committee work
5. Semester closure
6. Exam writing
7. Podcast testing
8. Hypertext reading
9. Weblogs
10. Title III work
11. The eighteenth century
12. Kindle
13. RSS
14. The summer mashup
15. General education
16. Second Life code
17. Flash
18. eLumen and the wiki and some visual work
19. Database transfers for the Spring
20. The Ability Assessment Team
21. Son and daughter
22. Wife
23. Dog
24. Saturday night bean soup
25. Snow boots

That’s a list of things to do and think about. This is another prohibition to the act of counting to one trillion, the attempt of which reminds me of a guy who wakes up in the morning feeling as if he swallowed a powdered mouse.

He needs a drink. Of water. He scrapes his ankle against an iron doorstop and hears the phone ring.

He answers the phone and a voice says something about a lost wallet.

No wonder.