I can feel myself about to win an award soon for ugliest weblog on the internet. I don’t know what it is about the look of things but I think the size of my laptop screen is bumbling my sense of what things should look like, if that makes any sense. But the way I’m thinking about design has a lot to do with my search for a new laptop, a journey that isn’t going all that well, and one that’s not all that necessary at the moment.
On a particular machine, a component is missing; on another, same thing. Why doesn’t IBM slip some Firewire into a motherboard or two on their Thinkpads? Why is the Dell machine that seems like a nice fit suffer from the same absence? Why can’t Sony add some stoutness to their keyboards?
I will be adding a reading list onto the right hand sidebar soon and a photograph I’ve been meaning to take somewhere there too for a little more frivolous color and corner balance. Ah, the scales of things, one place to the next.
Not ugly, just nondescript. Why don’t you consider using your sister’s northern light pictures cropped to fit? You’ve come up North to light the way for students, it’s green like lettuce, and there’s a picture of God in it–maybe it’s the Great Lettuce Head himself! And you won’t have to buy the rights.
Am having the same problem with my own blog design and especially color. What I thought was wonderfully subtle shades of celery (see, you can use lettuce!) on the pc was totally different and not full screen on the Dell.
And while you’re at it, you can give me design suggestions for Wanderlust as well. I’m tired of white.
How about some snazzy gold. Also suggest this link:
How about you guys add some Spring colors to your blogs? Perhaps some deep pinks, roses, forest greens, etc.
Or, you could go with varied rich blues to capture a “seashore quality”…That would be nice.
Perhaps Steve is depressed because the black and dark orange colors give off a “Satanic” or “Devilish” feel…;)
Most Graciously,
Might I suggest the HP Pavilion line of laptops. Mine has the lovely 17″ screen along with a firewire port.
As for blog colors, I’m more of a set it and forget it type of person. That said I think I’ll be making a change to mine once the little one comes along, if nothing else I’ll have to add another floating head.