This article by David C. Levy is strangled by personal opinion. To cal something a myth is a pretty big charge, like claiming that it’s a myth that bats fly at night. A piece of evidence for this might be that bats fly at night is a myth because observers are sleeping. I like this logic:
An executive who works a 40-hour week for 50 weeks puts in a minimum of 2,000 hours yearly. But faculty members teaching 12 to 15 hours per week for 30 weeks spend only 360 to 450 hours per year in the classroom.
This arithmetic reads like a hammer. I could write that a 22oz bottle of beer is definitely bigger than a 12 oz. bottle because I measured it and because the labels confirm it also. Unfortunately, the context of the arithmetic matters. Levy knows full well that classroom hours form a fraction of faculty work. He also knows the definition of executive. So this is a cheep shot. He could simply claim that the work that goes into teaching isn’t all that important. At least that would be honest.
He could also apply his arithmetic to household economics.