Accreditation Issues

I just caught this post at Spazeboy who links to NBBlogs re accreditation at New Britain High School.

As far as I know, NB is not even on probation. I can’t find a source at NBBlogs. A few more attributions and description of how information is being gathered would be helpful. NEASC responds to public disclosure requests.

6 thoughts on “Accreditation Issues

  1. patrick thibodeau


    You may have only seen one of the posts. Elisa has written three posts and they are well attributed. She has spoken with NEASC. The reporting is accurate. You can contact NEASC directly to confirm for yourself.


  2. Steve Post author

    Thanks, Patrick.

    This quote comes in Elisa’s post:

    “We were told the school is on probation,” said Board of Education member James Sanders. “That’s a big deal. If you’re not accredited, you can’t go to college.”

    I’m wondering where this is said, in other words. Likewise:

    Only about 3-1/2 percent of schools are put on probation by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), the accreditation agency, which will meet Sunday to discuss the status of NBHS, according to Charles McCarthy, an associate director of NEASC.

    The post doesn’t provide a source. I’d like to follow along with the story as well.

  3. patrick thibodeau

    >Only about 3-1/2 percent of schools are put on probation by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), the accreditation agency, which will meet Sunday to discuss the status of NBHS, according to Charles McCarthy, an associate director of NEASC

  4. Mary Ellen

    The Hartford Courant also confirms this, in the 7/4 edition on page B3. The finding is from an October 2006 visit by the NEASC, and was reached on June 24th. Cited as confirming sources for this report are Peter Kochol, school board chairman, and Mayer Tim Stewart. It sounds to me that Kochol, while not pleased about the probation, is not too upset about the committee’s finding that “… New Britain’s governing body have not ensured an adequate and dependable soure of revenue…”, and that, “funding for services at the high school has been ‘significantly below’ requested levels”.

  5. Steve Post author

    Mary Ellen,

    Send me an email. I have a few questions for you. (Sorry, I’ve lost your email)

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