Chris Meade at if:book provides a nice reminder of the need to be vigilant about literacy assessments. Who’s reading and how well is always a question, but it’s one brick on the pile. While I maintain just a few glances in the direction of large reports on literacy, such as those published by the NEA, a more interesting question remains: what is the context of reading?
To define reading outside of specific or valid situations is like trying to define technology. You may guess at the size of an auditorium with a mask on, sure go for it. As we’ve just moved on from Milton, I’m reminded of the importance of intense scrutiny of all objects, and that all objects and ideas are opportunities for that scrutiny.
Are more people writing these days?
What’s more important, quality or quantity? I’m reading more blogs and opinions than ever before, but most contain misspellings, faulty logic, poor grammar, and inane banter that does not flow from inception to conclusion well. (too English-teachery?) What matters if more people write, if they do not add anything with it?
My experience is the opposite–lots of excellent writing. And lots of reference to all kinds of reading.
I need to covet your lists, then. What I find most onerous about the web are the “Leave a Comment” selections (but not this one). I think the more common a site is, say Yahoo or a news channel’s site, the more frequently people leave comments. I read those and feel the same as when I drive past an accident–stunned, a bit horrified, but unable to look away. If the aliens read the web logs before they introduce themselves, they’ll talk to us in very small words. And use lots of clear pictures.