For those considering the leap into Interactive Fiction and New Media 1: Perspectives, it’s time to use those springs.
I’d encourage English majors, teachers, and budding technologists to grapple with these areas, because it is here that the edge can be confronted, and by edge I mean “use” and “analysis” beyond conventions of conventional degrees: i.e., the hyperconventional. We’re talking serious study in coolness and narrative structure with these courses, and the Perspectives course is really coming together with the remediative (the concept of remediation and more: see Bolter, Remediation) elements of media and thought and communication.
The IF course will introduce and consider different modes of thinking about thinking, thinking about presentation, thinking about art, thinking about tools. This course is not a credit course, though it should be. But no matter. It is a course that, if used productively, can get you thinking about edges. Just ask Coonce-Ewing.
Then read this piece of IF (Downtown Tokyo, one of the course’s readings) and draw a map of the “world.”
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