A message from Simon Jones of Media Lab Europe. Who’s up for a Dublin trip:
The next OPEN_HOUSE will take place on Tuesday February 24th 2004 in Dublin.
The theme of this OPEN_HOUSE is ” Changing Connections” .
How will we communicate with our friends and loved ones twenty years from now ?
How can interface technologies prompt and mediate a sense of intimacy ?
How will new technologies help us to create new senses of kinship and relatedness ?
Where are the new digital divides and how can we bridge them ?The keynote speaker will be Peter Cochrane, co-founder of ConceptLabs and former Chief Technologist and Head of Research for BT.
Full details are being finalised at present and invitations will be sent out next week.
OPEN_HOUSE at Media Lab Europe is a global meeting point where some of the world’s greatest minds and leading companies gather to invent the future. As a participant, you gain access to some of the ideas & insights that are seeding innovation and may ultimately help you to achieve your business vision.
Upon reading the second paragraph, I had to stop to check the bottom of my shoes to make sure I didn’t step in Jack’s poopies when we were outside earlier. Jack is my dog. Or rather, I am Jack’s human.Poopies, poopies…back to poopies.Paragraph eleven starts to sum things up.Did you happen to notice that the new buzzword for Global Warming is Global Climate Change?You know…because Global Warming isn’t quite as convincing these days.Dude…***shaking my head***I have no words.
I just posted in the wrong place.