nukes and North Korea

I took this from the Washington Post

. . . on Thursday, a statement by the government of the reclusive North Korean leader, Kim Jong Il, contained the most explicit wording yet. “In response to the Bush administration’s increasingly hostile policy toward North Korea, we . . . have manufactured nuclear weapons for self-defense,” said the statement, issued through the official Korean Central News Agency.

This sounds fishy to me. In ’02, KJI rushes to his chemistry set and whips up a batch of weapons, as if it were that easy. I read “the threat” and I’m no position to confirm, but it sounds all wrong.

I could be that North Korea has no weapons; it could be that they indeed have them. If yes, these are not recent manufactures. If no, then we “should know” this and to continue the “story” of the no/yes is a misrepresentation in the news much as the yes/no back and forth about Iraq proved most likely a con.

If we’re good we should know the resource capabilities of North Korea, as we know that the city streets and peoples’ stomachs are typically empty.