Sarina Salemi writes:
According to my instructor, who was the chair of the history department this year…they hope that by traumatizing (my exaggeration) the education majors with this class, these future teachers may take the time to teach this in high school, where it should have been taught in the first place.
Doesn’t this boil things down a little narrowly. Will the education majors in their teaching positions get to choose? You’d need more Kuciniches in education, S.
And Susan Gibb writes:
While some things learned in a classroom MUST stick with us if they are relative to our future career choice, for example chemistry to a chemist, the reason for a well-rounded education is to learn a thought process more than the subject (algebra or a foreign language to someone who will never use them). So if the Jupiterians should show up, we have a more diverse background of knowledge to draw from to deal with it, and a few different learned approaches to figure out how to greet them.
Doesn’t everyone have a thought process, though? Aren’t some better than others?
In a way, Susan’s use of the weblog form discloses an analytical and changing sense of thought and expression. Her mind will be on display. More on this in a bit.
Will the education majors in their teaching positions get to choose?Are you saying that today teachers are hamstrung by their superiors? So, we can take the time to show children how to put condoms on bananas but it would be impossible to develop actual skills that pertain to education?You’d need more Kuciniches in education.Yes, I’ve read his platform. And NOOOooo, I’m not going to comment.
Although I would like to work in his Department of Peace should we ever be graced with his leadership.I can cause a lot of mischief in a Department of Peace.
Why no comment? You fear Kucinich. I know a little about No Child Left Behind and such a program cares not a jot about real skills.
Education as a political platform is just good political strategy and little else.So…that being said, Mr. Ersinghaus, I don’t really care about No Child Left Behind either way…except to say that it’s good political strategy.Yeah…I fear Kucinich a little. I do. He’s probably a very lovely man, he kind of reminds me of Jimmy Carter a little, but I fear him in a position of power.Why? Because the short of it is…he’s no Beowulf.
And before you ask me whether I think that President Bush is Beowulfian…I’ll tell you this…in 2000, I had hoped that the next four years were going to consist of No Child Left Behind domestic policy. I had REALLY hoped and looked forward to at least four years of an existence that might resemble something normal. And then September 11th happened.Have you ever had a nightmare come true?What I wouldn’t give to erase that day…President Bush’s domestic policy…it’s a little too socialist for my tastes, truth be told.President Bush’s foreign policy…I know it hasn’t made my life any more convenient.But I’m not sure that I would do it any different if I were in charge.I don’t envy the man.Is he Beowulfian though?I know for sure that no one else who’d run for the presidency during the last election cycle possessed those qualities, except for John McCain and as for President Bush, I think time will tell.
I love the Beowulf reference. But I’d suggest that K is indeed Beowulfian.
Before I visit Ks website again…I’ve already been there a half-dozen times…Plus, I have to resume my reading of Milosevic’s trial transcript today which will make me ornery enough…Would you kindly enlighten me on Ks Beowulfian qualities?