A friend sends me to Zopler, a tool for facilitating collaborative storytelling.
Then there’s IBM’s new terabit chip, an interesting view into a future of industry building and naming conventions (Holey Optochip).
Then there’s the AppBuilder. And soon to get into Bootstrap.
The concept is good, particularly for classroom use, I’d think, and in learning narrative structure. It is not terrific yet as far as signing up (I ended up with 2 registrations yet I can’t get log in) and no confirming emails were sent as stated. The community may be a new one and just testing its voice but there doesn’t seem to be much interaction yet. I threw out a beginning just to see what happens.
Can you send me a link and we can test?
This should get you onto my page: http://zopler.com/profile/293/?m=s and from there, hit “newsfeed” or “sitewide activity” to see current happpenings. I won’t log out just to keep in open (since that seems to be a problem here).
I’d say a private group would be a better idea; as I don’t quite yet see the level of writing here to let you know how it will roll out. But what it will reveal is readerly/writerly, and how the reader takes a different direction than the writer’s intent.