I picked up a copy of Time’s recent The Most Amazing Inventions of 2005 to skim through during a dinner of tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. I think the hook is actually mistitled or maybe I just haven’t a clue why these are the amazing inventions. Here are a few examples, along with those “catchy” short descriptions:
The Cool Cat: “The notion of a robot as home companion is nothing new, but iCat adds a human dimension to the job: an expressive face. Praise her and she will beam.”
Nuvo: “Tired of coming home to an empty nest each night? Try Nuvo. This 15 in., two-legged bot can dance, talk, play music, tell time and even shake your hand.” Even? For $7000.
One of the promising items is a suit that can assist those who need it to walk and lift. Very promising.